Fashion Crush Friday: LaShontae “Tae” Heckard

Fashion Crush Friday (FCF) is a new weekly segment here at Enviee Chic. It will highlight celebrities and everyday women whose sense of style and impeccable. These women are those who give us a sense of inspiration when we are getting dressed.

Our first Fashion Crush Friday  highlights LaShontae “Tae” Heckard……..

Tae Heckard is an African American-Korean model/actress who was born in Seoul, South  Korea. Early in her life she moved to the U.S. and after completing high school served 4 years in the U.S. Army Reserves. She is well known for her recurring role as  “Jazz” in the BET sitcom The Game. She has been featured in numerous videos including Keyshia Cole’s “Trust and Believe” and was featured in the film “ATL”.

Now on to why she is this week’s Fashion Crush. There are usually 3 main looks a girl can go for: the sexy, the laid-back and the tomboy.  Every female cannot pull off all three looks, most females can go only pull off 1-2.  Tae can pull off all 3. From magazine photos to club appearances she always pulls off the sexy look with little to no effort. Even in a pair of leggings and a t shirt she is bound to get your attention. Our FAVE look on Ms. Heckard is the tomboy. Most girls cannot pull off the baggy sweats/pants with a fitted and look feminine but this girl can.

 Lets not forget that her hairstyles are always hot on point.  She can rock the “poetic justice” braids and even straight hair with little effort. If you checkout her Instagram (@lashontae) you will see how her everyday look is versatile and why she is the Ultimate Fashion Crush.

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(photos Via instagram @lashontae)

If you have anyone or want to give any suggestions on which stars you think we should highlight on Fashion Crush Friday email us @